
Ram Raj – the description of “Heaven on Earth”

Ram Raj – the description of “Heaven on Earth” :         When Rama ascended his throne, the three worlds rejoiced and all suffering was ended. No-one bore enmity to another; Rama's glory destroyed all disharmony. Everyone was devoted to duty, each according to his own caste and stage of life. The people followed the path of the Vedas, each true to his position in life. In this way all were happy and there was no fear or suffering. In Rama’s Kingdom there was no disease, natural disasters or problems with wild animals. All men loved one another and each performed their allotted duty according to the precepts of the Vedas. The four pillars of dharma (truth, purity, compassion and charity) filled the world. No-one even dreamt of sin. Men and women alike were deeply devoted to worshipping Rama and were qualified for final beatitude. There was no premature death, no-one suffered and all were beautiful and healthy. No-one was poor, sorrowful or in distress. No-one was...

भारत के बाहर थाईलेंड में आज भी संवैधानिक रूप में राम राज्य है !

भारत के बाहर थाईलेंड में आज भी संवैधानिक रूप में राम राज्य है l वहां भगवान राम के छोटे पुत्र कुश के वंशज सम्राट “भूमिबल अतुल्य तेज ” राज्य कर रहे हैं , जिन्हें नौवां राम कहा जाता है l* *भगवान राम का संक्षिप्त इतिहास* वाल्मीकि रामायण एक धार्मिक ग्रन्थ होने के साथ एक ऐतिहासिक ग्रन्थ भी है , क्योंकि महर्षि वाल्मीकि राम के समकालीन थे, रामायण के बालकाण्ड के सर्ग, 70 / 71 और 73 में राम और उनके तीनों भाइयों के विवाह का वर्णन है, जिसका सारांश है। मिथिला के राजा सीरध्वज थे, जिन्हें लोग विदेह भी कहते थे उनकी पत्नी का नाम सुनेत्रा ( सुनयना ) था, जिनकी पुत्री सीता जी थीं, जिनका विवाह राम से हुआ था l राजा जनक के कुशध्वज नामके भाई थे l इनकी राजधानी सांकाश्य नगर थी जो इक्षुमती नदी के किनारे थी l इन्होंने अपनी बेटी उर्मिला लक्षमण से, मांडवी भरत से, और श्रुतिकीति का विवाह शत्रुघ्न से करा दी थी l केशव दास रचित ”रामचन्द्रिका“ पृष्ठ 354 (प्रकाशन संवत 1715) के अनुसार, राम और सीता के पुत्र लव और कुश, लक्ष्मण और उर्मिला के पुत्र अंगद और चन्द्रकेतु , भरत और मांडवी के पुत्र पुष्कर और तक्ष, शत्रुघ्न और ...

तस्य नो चलते मनः

तस्य नो चलते मनः वनवास की अवधि में एकबार सीता और लक्ष्मण एकान्त में बैठे हुए थे। दोनों ही युवावस्था में थे। सीता का सौंदर्य अद्भुत था। आसपास का वातावरण सौंदर्य से भरपूर था।  इतने में श्रीराम वहाँ आते हैं। सीता और लक्ष्मण को एकान्त में बैठे हुए देखकर लक्ष्मण से पूछते हैं,  पुष्पं दृष्ट्वा फलं दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा स्त्रीणां च यौवनम्।  त्रीणि रत्नानि दृष्ट्वैव कस्य नो चलते मनः।।     - पुष्प, फल और  स्त्री के यौवन- इन तीन रत्नों को देखकर ही किसका मन चलित नहीं होता है?  तब लक्ष्मण ने उत्तर दिया:- पिता यस्य शुचिर्भूतो माता यस्य पतिव्रता।  उभाभ्यामेव संभूतो तस्य नो चलते मनः।।      - जिसका पिता पवित्र जीवनवाला हो, और जिसकी माता पतिव्रता हो, उनसे उत्पन्न पुत्र का मन चलित नहीं होता है।       राम ने पुनः पूछा:- अग्निकुण्डसमा नारी घृतकुम्भसमः पुमान्।  पार्श्वे स्थिता सुन्दरी चेत् कस्य नो चलते मनः।      - सुन्दर स्त्री अग्निकुण्ड के समान होती है  और पुरुष घी के कुम्भ के समान होता है। ...

Wayanad (Kerala) is a Hindu Historical Temple of Mata Sita Lava Kusha .

Wayanad ( Kerala ) is a Hindu Historical Temple of Mata Sita Lava Kusha .   Mata Seetha Lava Kusha Temple ;-  This place is famous for its Mata Sita Devi temple which is one of the few in India,  devoted for Sita Devi.  The icons of Lava and Kusa, children of Sita, are also installed here. It is believed that Sita Devi went into earth here. This place and the surrounding areas are believed to be the key places in the Hindu epic Ramayana. The temple festival which is celebrated annually in the month of January is famous and it attracts people from various parts of Wayanad. The famous "kuruva island" is 5 km away from pulpally town.  The temple is closely dedicated to Goddess Sita and their sons Lava and Kusa. The temple was constructed during the period of the great warrior Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja .The temple pond is one of the largest in the Waynad.  During the  military assault, Tippu sulthan of Mysore planned to destroy this templ...

*Ramayana* As a *Philosophy of Life*

The Interpretation of *Ramayana* As a *Philosophy of Life*.. ‘ *Ra* ’ means *light*, ‘ *Ma* ’ means *within me*, *in my heart*. So, *Rama* means the *Light Within Me*.. *Rama* was born to *Dasharath & Kousalya*. *Dasharath* means ‘ *Ten Chariots* ’.. The ten chariots symbolize the *five sense organs*( *Gnanendriya* ) & *five organs of action*( *Karmendriya* ) .. *Kousalya* means ‘ *Skill* ’.. *The skillful rider of the ten chariots can give birth to Ram*.. When the ten chariots are used skillfully, *Radiance* is born within.. *Rama* was born in *Ayodhya*. *Ayodhya* means ‘ *a place where no war can happen* ’.. When There Is No Conflict In Our Mind, Then The Radiance Can Dawn.. The *Ramayana* is not just a story which happened long ago.. It has a *philosophical*, *spiritual significance* and a *deep truth* in it.. It is said that the *Ramayana is happening in our Own Body*. Our *Soul* is *Rama*, Our *Mind* is *Sita*, Our *Breath* or *Life-For...

Bhagwan Shri Rama is the best King in History of Human Being forever

Bhagwan Shri Rama is the best King in a History of Human Being forever. Shri Rama ruled 11,000 years as Chakravartin Samrata of Aaryavrata ( Whole World ) Shri Rama did 100 Ashwamedha Yagn at interval of every 100 Years for benifit of people in his Kingdom.   Figure 1 :  List of kings after primary creation by God Brahma as stated in the Vishnu Purana 🕉️💓🚩🙏   Name of some very good Kings:- (1). Suryavansha/Ikshvakuvansha  Vivasvan Manu (First Man in current Manvantar; son of god Sun) Ikshvaku (Son of Vivasvan Manu) Chakravartin Samrat Mandhata Muchukanda (son of Mandhata) Ambarisha (son of Mandhata) Satyavrat/Trishanku (father of Harischandra) Satyavadi Raja Harischandra Chakravartin Samrat Sagar Bhagiratha who brought river Ganga on Earth on Northen Indian Plane. Figure 2 :  List of kings in the Vaivasvata (descendants of Vivasvat) Manvantara as stated in the Vishnu Purana 🕉️🚩💓🙏 (2). Raghuvansha Raghuvansha is branch of Suryavansha/Ik...

Ram Rajya :- How Bharat ( Hindustan) can establish Ram Rajya today !

Ram Rajya :- How Bharat (Hindustan) can establish Ram Rajya today !  Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta. Listening to these “Granths” several times while growing up and Having read them both, I would be happy to tell you about a concept from Ramayna. Ram Rajya :  Bhagwan Shri  Rama was Maryada Purushottama. He was a Prema Murti. He was an ideal son, an ideal brother, an ideal husband, an ideal friend, and an ideal king. He can be taken to embody all the highest deals of man. He led an ideal life of a householder to teach humanity.  He ruled His people so nicely that His rule came to be called Rama Rajya, meaning the rule of righteousness, the rule which bestows on all happiness and prosperity. Rama was an ideal king. He ruled the kingdom in a wonderful way. He was just and righteous. He was courageous and kind. He was endowed with a gentle and generous disposition. He was civil and courteous. Therefore His subjects loved Him immensely. Not a single man was unhappy ...